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Learn to create your own world in your computers with our Document Control Program!

Document control course

Digital Transformation


Document management, often referred to as Document Management Systems (DMS), is the use of a computer system and software to store, manage and track electronic documents and electronic images of paper based information captured through the use of a document scanner. Document management is how your organization stores, manages and tracks its electronic documents. A Document controller’s role is one that is vital to the successful execution of all of the processes within an organization. A Documented Information controller is considered as the gate-keeper of an effective Document Control System. He makes sure that all the necessary documents are traceable, and accessible to relevant parties within and outside the organization. In particular, document control is necessary, not only for efficiency and productivity, but also for the safety and privacy of the document’s information.


Unit 1 – Practical Document Control Management
1. Document Life Cycle
2. Introduction to Document Control
3. Different Roles in Document Control
4. Incoming and Outgoing Documents
5. Document Types
6. Document Numbering System
7. Document Registers/Logs
8. Electronic Document Management System
9. Importance of EDMS

Unit 2 – Essential Document Control Management
1. Document Control Procedures
2. Document Review/Approval Flow
3. Process
4. Document Workflows
5. Document Status Types
6. Document Distribution Matrix
7. Master, Controlled, Uncontrolled and Superseded
8. lectronic Filing Structure Naming Convention

Unit 3– Professional Document Control Management1. As-Built and Final Documentation
2. Hand-over/Closing out Documents
3. Hard Copy and Soft Copy Management
4. Document Controller Standards
5. Document Control Audit
6. Document Archiving
7. Electronic Document Management System (EDMS)
8. Aconex

Practical Document Control Management

Essential Document Control Management

Professional Document Control Management1. As-Built and Final

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